Saturday, November 22, 2008

Catch up

These pics are of the babes drinking hot chocolate. It snowed here on Tuesday too. So that was two days of snow this week. None of it stuck, but is was pretty. When it snows here all the teachers let the kids just run around outside and squeel and scream (b/c it doesn't snow much)
That entertained them for about 30 minutes on Tuesday night. :)
Wednesday night I had to make two casseroles and some haystacks when I got home from work--thus no wordless wed. post.
Thursday night all of the staff at my school had to go back to school at 5:00 to host a parent night. :).
It was actually not bad to me. I was the greeter at the door. That is fun to me.
Helping people fill out papers--not so fun. I will remember this for future school events. ;).
Last night I was sick. strep Throat? don't know. But this morning I went to urgent care and got my antibiotics--which I wont' take right away. The quick strep test came back negative--but the doc. said I might still have step throat.

Now I am just going to take it easy and rest the rest of the day. Elena and I are having some EArl Grey tea. I cracks me up that she likes it. :)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Busy week for you! Ick - strep is so painful, hopefully yours won't be bad.
I have been drinking some Earl too - Mmm-hmmm...
Those little turkeys enjoying hot choc. are so sweet. What is better in winter? :)

Spot on!

Spot is our family's chihuahua.  He is what we call, "an evil dictator/stuffed animal come to life".  Sometimes, after he has ...