Saturday, December 11, 2010


Thursday afternoon 3:45:
Me:  Manyana en la escuela les van a dar a todos los estudiantes un libro gratis.  Es un regalo.  Van a tener todos los libros sobre las mesas y las clases pasan alla en la biblioteca, y cada alumno va a poder escoger un libro y guardarselo para siempre.
Elena:  Oh, Mama do I get to go back to school, then, tomorrow, I want one!

AHA!  Gotcha!
I was talking to Camelia. In Spanish, and who joined in??? Elena!
I was telling Camelia that on Friday they were going to give out books at school.
A gift for each student.  They all pass through the library and pick out a book.  They get to keep the book.

She did, btw, get to go to school on Friday and pick a book.  She has not put it down since she got
home yesterday.  She has read it non-stop.  She read it with a head lamp in the bed last night...
be still my heart!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Excelente!! So, she understood you, and did she respond in spanish or english? That's so cool. And hey, would you believe I even got the gist of that sentence? Of course - two words I remember from 4th gr spanish: biblioteca and libra. :)

Spot on!

Spot is our family's chihuahua.  He is what we call, "an evil dictator/stuffed animal come to life".  Sometimes, after he has ...