Friday, April 6, 2012

Mama!!!! {the reporter}

Came the call the other day when Andy was probably at work...
Elena came cruising into the living room to report to me that
V-man and Eva were....
Riding their tricycles on the trampoline..
First I thought...This must be stopped at once!
"How did they get the tricycles onto the trampoline?"
"Victor put them up there"
Picture us in motion to the back door...

 That was what I saw!
I stood and laughed to myself for a minute, how cute! And then I thought...well, it's not over the weight limit, and wheels from tricycles will certainly not ruin the GO FOR IT!
Then, my little {reporter} had to jump on with another tricycle and have a go at it.
I wanted to do it myself..but then that {would} have been over the weight limit, and..
I'm a rules girl! ;).

 These were taken just this afternoon.  Andy was about to leave for work and we were
enjoying some coffee..My eyes kind of look like they are full of caffeine --and with good
I have just put a set of pictures I will update a bit,

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Haha! A trampoline trike derby! Ya'll are muy cute.

Spot on!

Spot is our family's chihuahua.  He is what we call, "an evil dictator/stuffed animal come to life".  Sometimes, after he has ...