Thursday, April 5, 2012

Needing a break!

I cannot remember a time when I have been so run down from school...
maybe last year this time?
Today my mind was mush, luckily the students were having fun doing springy, eggy
my mind being elsewhere was not too much of a problem.
It was cold here today!  So that meant the children were running around outside shivering
in their spring clothes, and I was too.  I just wanted to be cozy under a blanket!

My mind was wandering to the beach where we will be next week--beginning Saturday.
A cold Easter at the beach can be fun, it might not be cold, but either way, we will have fun!
When I was little we went whether it was going to be cold, or not...
NorEaster or Warm Easter, we were at the beach, and I am thinking it will be the same for my
children, as I can hardly wait to get to the cottage!

We have a new addition to the family--Tommy Boy!
Andy is working this one out.  He has wanted a boat ever since we moved home, and he
finally got his wish!  We cannot wait to go riding in the river. :) Yippie!!
The deal is still in the process of working itself out, but we are {pretty sure} it is all worked out.
So I did feel comfortable posting this.

On to other matters...I have several soap box rants and news items I would like to share
or go on about, but those topics don't mix well with this one, so I will not do that right now.
I will just keep those to myself....I know you cannot wait! :) ha!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

wooHOOOO!!! Very cool! Hope you're back to feeling "norm" soon. These times, they come and go, huh. XO...

Spot on!

Spot is our family's chihuahua.  He is what we call, "an evil dictator/stuffed animal come to life".  Sometimes, after he has ...